If you can believe in this statement long enough for it to show you it's validity then you are in a better place than you might realize. There are few things in my world that are more challenging than faith. It isn't tangible and sometimes difficult to measure the results. The scientific data can't measure faith. It's too subtle.
The money for your rent or new shoes isn't inside you but all the tools you need are. All you need to do is get quiet again and again. As Sri Dharma Mittra says, "simplify your wants and lead a contented life". It goes so much deeper than having to pay bills or having better health. That's all on the surface. All that is going to happen regardless, so why not refine your subtle body. You must find peace in the midst of all you have in your life.
Its hard work. But the more you practice the easier it gets and the more automatic it becomes. Things shift is amazing ways. I hope you get a glimpse.
Peace. Love. Laughter. Yoga.
Great Day
Again, a beautiful post. I find that when I get impatient and cranky it's because I am not "getting quiet" and looking for the subtle voice inside...thank you for the reminder!