Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Roll of Thunder - I am at Peace

Amidst everything going on - I feel a sense of Peace.  Peace at my soul level.  I'm just content and happy and I'm happy to say it.  I have not often felt this and certainly not for a long time but everything just as it is - is simply fine.  Its like the layers are all peeled back - and my true self is there and I have found peace.  Now I don't know how things will be tomorrow- or another day when I'm grinding away with the struggles in life....and I don't care so much.  Because everything right now in all its perfection and want and need and bounty and emotion and struggle and reward is OK.

Its a beautiful thing when you harness your own power so that all the crap and maya and uncertainty the world tries to throw at you just doesn't hit the mark.  Its a beautiful and powerful thing to know that there is a force that is greater than my wants and my needs and my ego - and today I am putting my faith in that - and I feel peace.

Its not a situational thing - I have this therefore I feel peace.  I don't have these problems therefore I have peace.  Its just there in the midst of it all.  And it is going to carry me through and it nourishes my soul.  I have the most wonderful people in my life to thank and share with.  The crazy is always around anytime you want to embrace it - and so is the peace.  Its right in the middle of it all - right where you stand - if you allow yourself to open to it.

"If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace."  Thich Nhat Hanh

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